
A Review of SAMHSA Strategic Initiative #8, Public Awareness and Support, as it Applies to SBIRT

sbirtlogomap50x34.gifWednesday, June 26, 2013
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Eastern
A Review of SAMHSA Strategic Initiative #8, Public Awareness and Support, as it Applies to SBIRT
Just as Americans are aware of the connection between hypertension, stroke, and heart disease, they should be aware of the connection between mental health/substance use disorders and many physical and social problems. Awareness is the first step in taking action to prevent and treat these problems.
Opportunities for preventing or intervening early to reduce the death and illness associated with substance use disorders are often missed. One such opportunity is the use of Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT). This evidenced-based intervention is proven to impact substance use, abuse and dependence.
Preventing and delaying initiation of substance abuse can reduce the potential need for treatment later in life. For example, among the 14 million adults aged 21 and older who were classified in the past year with alcohol dependence or abuse, more than 13 million (95 percent) had started drinking alcohol before age 21. We will apply the SBIRT model to multiple sectors of society and a variety of settings such as healthcare, the workplace, education, behavioral health settings, military settings, faith based organization and others.
At the end of this training, participants should:
• Have an increased understanding of how SBIRT can be an integral part of general services which can occur in multiple sectors of society and a variety of settings
• Be able to examine multiple ways to implement SBIRT in a variety of settings
• Be able to select tools and resources that are available for SBIRT implementation
Presenters: Holly Hagle, PhD is the Director of the National SBIRT Addiction Technology Transfer Center. She has been actively working with providers since joining IRETA in 2003. Dr. Hagle has overseen the curriculum development and project coordination for three Heath Resources and Services Admin.(HRSA)-funded SBIRT projects with the University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing since 2006. She is an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Health and Community Systems, University of Pittsburgh, School of Nursing and has a BS in Psychology, MA in Education, Curriculum and Instruction and PhD in Education, Instructional Management and Leadership.
James L. Aiello, MA, MEd, joined the staff of the IRETA in August, 2008, as the Director of the Northeast Addiction Technology Center. He is currently a Senior Consultant for IRETA. Before joining IRETA, for 12 years he served as Executive Vice President of Treatment Programs for Gateway Rehabilitation Center, one of the oldest and largest providers of drug and alcohol rehabilitation services in western Pennsylvania. In this capacity, he had responsibility for the administration, planning and coordination of Gateway’s services, delivered at 19 locations in Pennsylvania.
CEUs: 3 CEUs approved for PA CADC, NAADAC, and Social Work.
Registrants who attend will receive link to the CEU certificate order form.

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