The ICAP Blue Book: Practical Guides for Alcohol Policy and Prevention Approaches offers a comprehensive guide to the key issues in alcohol policy development and an integrated approach to prevention. It draws upon the best available research and experience from around the world.
As a policy guide, the ICAP Blue Book is based on three key elements:
- drinking patterns and their outcomes as a sound scientific basis for policy development;
- targeted interventions that address specific “at-risk” populations, potentially harmful contexts, and drinking patterns;
- partnerships that allow the inclusion of the public and private sectors, the community, civil society, and others all working toward a common goal.
The Blue Book is intended as a tool to assist those seeking guidance in developing policy and prevention approaches, be they governments, intergovernmental organizations, public health officials and specialists, researchers, nongovernmental organizations, the beverage alcohol industry and its related bodies, or civil society groups. It can be used to address simple issues or to craft broader and more comprehensive approaches to policy.
The ICAP Blue Book site